Global Warming - Each one degree rise in the temperature of the world's oceans is equivalent to 1.4 BILLION one Megaton atom bombs!!!
We all know, the earth is surrounded by a cover of gasses as atmosphere. This atmosphere allows most of the light to pass through, which reaches the surface of earth.
This light from sun is absorbed by the earth surface and converts into heat energy. This heat energy is re-emitted by the surface of the earth during night.
Due excessive presence of some gasses in the atmosphere, this escape of heat from earth surface is prevented, resulting in heating of earth called ‘global warming’.
The gasses which are responsible for causing global warming are called ‘greenhouse gasses’. Carbon dioxide is one of the most important greenhouse gases. This carbon dioxide mostly comes to atmosphere as air pollution from vehicles, coal-fired power plants and other industries burning fossil fuels. Human population increase and large scale deforestation are also responsible for carbon dioxide generation.
Thus, Global Warming adds energy to the Earth's biosphere.
The climate change which we are experiencing is due to global warming.
Heat is the fuel of weather systems. More heat, more extreme weather.
Energy drives the water cycle.
The more energy there is the faster the water cycle is driven and the more extreme the weather patterns become.
Each one degree rise in the temperature of the world's oceans is the equivalent to 1.4 BILLION one Megaton atom bombs; that is a lot of energy! This tremendous amount of devastating energy, generating because of our faulty creation “Global Warming” is responsible for the present climate change.
Thus, it shouldn't be surprising that the result is more extreme weather. More rain, more drought and more storms.
The harmful effects of presence of greenhouse gasses in atmosphere are global warming, climate change, ozone depletion, sea level rise, adverse effects on biodiversity etc.
Therefore, our prime responsibility is not to promote any industrialization which enhances carbon emission, rather than reduction.
Proper energy mix, which generates electricity without emission, is essential. Energy mix should include –
(a) substantial enhancement of Nuclear power in the industrialized countries;
(b) only clean coal technology / green coal to be used for power generation;
(c) wherever possible tap hydro-power;
(d) substantial effort needed to enhance research and implementation for provision of generation of clean energy from renewable sources such as solar and wind.
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