Wind Power

Friday, March 14, 2008

Occupational Hazards / diseases due to expose in dusty and polluted air

Occupational Hazards / diseases due to expose in dusty and polluted air:

There are certain diseases which are related to one’s occupation. These are caused by constant use of certain substances that sneak into air and then enter our body.

(i) Silicosis (Silico-tuberculosis) occurs due to inhalation of free silica, or SiO2 (Silicon dioxide), while mining or working in industries related to pottery, ceramic, glass, building and construction work. The workers get chronic cough and pain in the chest.

(ii) Asbestosis is caused by asbestos, which is used in making ceilings. It is also considered as cancer causing agent.

(iii) Byssinosis is a disabling lung disease, which is marked by chronic cough and chronic bronchitis due to inhalation of cotton fibers over a long period of time.

(iv) Pneumoconiosis occurs due to inhalation of coal dust from coal mining industry. The workers suffer from lung problems.

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